Sunday, September 11, 2016


There are knots in my hair from a windy soccer game today. I'm very glad Tater's hair was in a braid!

There was a knot in Tater's necklace that I worked out for her to wear tomorrow.

And there is a huge knot in my yarn that I am having a horrid time getting out. I'm working on a deadline on this blanket and it's frustrating me beyond belief!

Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be sure to manage some mischief!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Planners and productivity

For those of you who know me, you are already laughing. My method of organization is fly off the seat of my pants.

Dizzy and I spent the afternoon at the Lewis & Clark Library at a workshop on planners and productivity. 

She was less than thrilled to have to go, but had to be with me so she could get together with friends to bowl afterwards. By the end, she was taking notes and looking through the wall of planner samples to pick one out for herself. We will be ordering one from Purple Trail for her birthday. It is what she wants, instead of a small one that won't do what she likes.

I was drooling over a Day Timer cover that was there. I can put my own stuff in it and not change types every year (I don't do change well).

As the workshop (Which was presented by the amazing JH of Knottyneedle) came to a close, I went to look one more time to make sure it was really what I wanted (and I could start a great Christmas list with all the "gadgets" I can put inside). JH had it in her hands and as I was looking at a couple of others with DIzzy to make sure she was happy with her choice, it was offered to me. I may have squealed, thought about jumping around like a crazy person and definitely hugged my good friend. 

It fits my current planner, so it will live inside for now, as I don't have the energy to redo another planner (this is the second one this year, as the first one just wasn't working for me) right now, but I'll be looking to see what I can find for the new year.

Dizzy is starting volleyball, had her tryouts last week and finds out what team she made Monday. She is very excited to be able to play this year, after trying out last year and promptly tearing her mcl before practices began. She will still be able to coach her level 3 gymnasts, and is looking at a very busy fall.

Bean, as I type this, is about to run his second cross country meet of the year. I am missing my second meet of his career and getting very twitchy. He went out fast last week and ran a sub-6 minute mile for the first mile of his race. It didn't put him where he wanted to be at the end, but it helped his team win the meet. He still came in well over a minute faster than last year on that course.

Tater is at the Gold Rush football game at Montana State with her daddy. She had her first soccer practice last night and her first game tomorrow. She moved up levels this year and is playing on a 5th-8th grade level, and on a more full sized field, so it will be a huge change for her.

The Boss is headed to visit his family this week and so we will be without his assistance for a few days. I'm a bit worried, as we are hosting a spaghetti feed for the entire cross country team on Thursday, so I'm going to be a bit busy.

Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be sure to manage some mischief!

Monday, September 5, 2016


Rainy days call for slaves sitting still with blankets and providing me a warm bed.

Mom says I should say happy Labor Day. 


Sunday, July 31, 2016

Summer Fun and celebrations

Last week included a visit from my cousin and his family from California. They are taking a 6 week trip and visiting all of the national parks in the western part of the country. It's been fun watching their trip via pictures on Facebook.

I know some people don't like social media and there are bad things to go with it. I truly enjoy the chance to stay up with friends and family that I may only see once every several years. 

This week was the Boss's least favorite week of the year. It was fair week and that means he spends a lot of extra time at work (think 8-5 and again 8:30-1 or so). We see very little of him. But it's over for another year and it appears that we may be spending a lot more time at the fair next year, as both girls have been asking repeatedly to join 4-H. As a longtime member, I'm overjoyed to have someone want to experience all the fun. As a mom, I shudder at the extra commitments we will be facing. 

We attended the rodeo on Thursday night and walked the exhibition halls and barns on Saturday before the crew played at the carnival. I bribed them with the offer of milkshakes and we headed home.

The garden is giving us fresh peas and the pumpkins and gourds are blooming away.

Unlike my good friend, I am not spending this week on an Alaskan cruise, but the Boss has booked a night away for us. This week celebrates my tenth anniversary at my current job and next week is a major milestone for us, celebrating twenty years of marriage. It doesn't seem possible that it has been that long!

Today was a nice,quiet day. We slept in (the Boss was exhausted) and then went to see the new Star Trek movie together. We stopped by Cosco on the way home and I picked up new sheets and the new Harry Potterbook (which I can't start until I get some of my reading list pared down...) I cleaned out the hair in the shower drain (downfall of having three girls with long hair) and have enjoyed the day reading.

Dinner was enjoyed on the deck, as well as reading and blogging. It's been hot and dry this week and I suspect that we will see some bigfires coming our way soon. As I'm allergic to the smoke, I will be spending my time inside.

Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be sure to manage some mischief!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Weekend getaway

A couple of quick shots of our weekend home:

Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be sure to manage some mischief!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


This is my reward for getting two teens to orthodontist appointments by 8:40 this morning...

To be fair, Bean had already completed a several mile run beforehand... 

Now off to shop for our camping trip and get the family ready to go in the morning! Time for some off the grid relaxation!

Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be sure to manage some mischief!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Spring is still trying!

It's been a crazy week. What else is new?!?! I wouldn't change it for anything.

The Boss had to go up north for a funeral, drove his Mustang and ended up waking to two inches of snow. Fortunately, the snow melted before he drove home! 

I'm on a "my favorite authors all have new books just released" kick. Here are a few of my recently read and the beverages or food that went with them...

On the run with errands and a quick lunch!
Evening read with a cup of tea.
Enjoying a glass of wine and the sunshine.

Garden is still growing:
Pumpkins are getting lots of leaves
& new plants are up every day. Now I wish I knew which are pumpkins and which are gourds!
Trees are leafing out. This branch was a victim of a softball...

Peonies are growing like crazy. These guys are at least 3-4 inches taller today then when I took this over the weekend! I can't wait for the flowers and to share with JH (and dig out a plant to give her for her home!). She's making a gorgeous quilt inspired by my peonies. I can't wait to see the finished product. I love when creative people take something like a peony blossom and turn it into a piece of art (and her quilts are!). Hopefully she will let me share a picture when it is done.

Tonight is home and tomorrow is track, softball and pt/coaching for the kiddos. Pray for nice weather!

Be Happy! Be Healthy! Be sure to manage some mischief!